Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Many moons ago, Chris started calling me "Penguin" as a term of endearment. I have no idea when it started exactly, and if it was contextual to anything at the time, but it stuck. It took about 9 months, but I've grown into my nickname, a fact that was documented by my daughter today as we were walking through a parking lot.

"Hey Mom, when you walk fast like that, you remind me of a penguin. But penguins are cute."

"What do you mean 'But penguins are cute'??? I'm cute!"

"Riiiiiight. It's a different kind of cute, though. Penguins are like, "Awww, it's a penguin!" You're like, "DANG look at that huge wobbly lady!"

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