Saturday, June 30, 2007

Ok. Maybe. But only if we name it Troy.

When Reagan makes her grand entrance, she'll tip the scales in the household so that the girls outnumber the boys, a fact that has been bragged about mercilessly by us gals over the last few months. Although we'd like, in theory, to have one more baby in a few years, Chris also wants to add a dog to the household, to macho things up a bit. I'm not really on board with this, because I don't like cleaning up after myself, let alone another being. And if I wanted to tend night and day to something that's not going to ever say "Thank you!", then I'd just keep having more kids, right? Besides, the way I look at it is if Chris is going to take time out of his day to pet something, I NOMINATE ME!

Last night, my sister Jadyn, my practically-adopted-sister Chelsea, and my brother Tyger were over, so after the kids were all fed, Chris and I snuck out for a little grown-up time. When we got home, the boys were both asleep, but Maddy, Jadyn and Chelsea were up watching High School Musical. Lucky for me, we walked in right in time for the big finale! GO WILDCATS! As Chris stood silently watching, Maddy, Jadyn, Chelsea and I were dancing around singing. When the credits started rolling, I turned around to Chris. He just looked at me with this expression of almost desperation, and said,

"Babe, I really need a dog."

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