Thursday, June 28, 2007


Ah... nothing finer than spending thirty minutes in one of those fluffy massager chairs, having someone make your toes look pretty, giving you reflexology on your feet and legs...

That is, until they ask, "Do you want me to paint a design on your toes? Not like you'll be able to see it, but, I can do flower for you!"

Look, lady. I know I'm big. I know I can't reach my toes. And, yeah, so I can't see them when I'm standing up... but I'll have you know that I spend a good amount of time with my swollen tootsies elevated, and I can see them then. Let's not talk about the other areas of my body that I can no longer see and have, hence, become neglected also...

I really wanted to avoid going into labor with chipped toenails. Seeing as how I'm going to be sprawled out for the world to see, insides coming out, feet up in stirrups, I might as well take every little chance I can get to look semi-pulled together, right? I'm sure, at the time, my toes will be the least of my worries, but every little bit helps, right? And it's not like I'm going to sign myself up for a bikini wax.


Brennuvargr said...

Bikini waxes are dangerous, anyway.

a happier girl said...

I made my big macho husband paint my toenails near the end of my first pregnancy for similar reasons. There's nothing wrong with not wanting your feet to look jacked up.