Saturday, May 5, 2007

Step right up, folks, step right up!

Either there's something not entirely right here, or the websites/books that say Braxton-Hicks contractions are supposed to be painless were written by a man. You know, just like how PMS is a figment of our imaginations.

Maybe it's round ligament pain or a curse from god. Who knows, but coupled with the general bovine-ish feeling of milk-making and toes that look like cocktail weenies, I've become quite the little circus freak.

The supreme amount of discomfort that has piled up in the last few days comes as no shock to me. I was past due, seeing as how I had a fairly good week, gestationally speaking. I appeased my doctors by gaining less than a pound, and although my sugar levels are still on the high side, they were lower than last month and my Gestational Diabetes screen came back negative. I even made it through my Rhogam shot without as much as a flinch! (This is a huge step up from my usual role as The Girl Who Gets Blood Drawn And Then Passes Out In A Planter.) It didn't even phase me that they didn't cover the injection site with a Sesame Street bandaid, nor did I get a lollipop for my bravery. Oh yeah, this is going to be a blast. I'm patting myself on the back for getting a shot. Just wait till the whole PASSING A CHILD comes along.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, no passing out?

Congratulations on being diabetes-free! I don't want to ruin your normal blood-sugar levels or anything, but perhaps we could institute a weekly chicken strips rendezvous?